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Overview of Hormone Imbalances

Hormones regulate many essential bodily functions. When certain hormone levels dip too low, it can negatively impact energy, sleep, weight, sex drive, and more. Some common signs of a hormone imbalance include:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Insomnia or sleep disruptions
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Low libido
  • Brain fog and memory problems

If you're experiencing any of those issues, hormone testing is key to getting the right treatment. At our Vitality Hormone Center hormone clinic in Westlake, Ohio, we provide cutting-edge therapies to help both men and women regain balance and optimal health.

Diagnosing Hormone Deficiencies

Pinpointing exactly which hormones are low requires specific blood, saliva or urine tests. We utilize advanced testing to thoroughly analyze the following key hormones:

  • Estrogen - influences female sexual development and function
  • Progesterone - regulates menstrual cycle and pregnancy
  • Testosterone - impacts sex drive, muscle mass in both men and women
  • Thyroid hormones - control metabolism and energy
  • DHEA - precursor for estrogen and testosterone production
  • Melatonin - regulates sleep/wake cycles

Based on test findings, our hormone specialists create fully customized treatment plans to restore balance. We accept most major insurance plans to cover testing and therapy costs.

Our Services

Restore balance and health with hormone testing.

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can produce profound improvements in many areas:

Physical Effects

  • Increased energy, stamina
  • Enhanced muscle tone
  • Healthier weight regulation
  • Improved intimacy and libido

Mood and Cognitive Benefits

  • Better emotional stability
  • Reduced anxiety or irritability
  • Heightened mental clarity and focus
  • Improved memory retrieval

Supporting Data

Below is a summary of findings from major clinical studies on bioidentical HRT:

Treatment Class Trial Name Key Outcomes
Estrogen KEEPS Trial Reduced hot flashes by 80-90%.
Testosterone T Trials Increased sexual desire by ~30%.
Progesterone EMPOWER Trial Decreased insomnia by 50%.

Timely treatment can help minimize menopausal symptoms and protect long-term health.

HOW Vitality Hormone Center CAN HELP

At Vitality Hormone Center in Westlake, Ohio, we specialize in integrative plans to:

  • Accurately assess hormone levels
  • Identify underlying causes of imbalance
  • Provide physician-managed hormone therapy to restore function
  • Continue follow-up monitoring and support

We individualize medications and delivery methods - including creams, pills, patches, pellets, or injections - based on each patient's needs and preferences.

Our mission is supporting patients to look, feel and live their best regardless of age. We help both men and women overcome issues lowering quality of life. Contact us today for an initial consultation.


Hormonal imbalances can have a significant impact on various aspects of our lives, including energy levels, mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being. At Vitality Hormone Center in Westlake, Ohio, we understand the importance of restoring hormonal balance through comprehensive testing, customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and lifestyle optimization. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care and support to help both men and women overcome the challenges of hormone deficiencies and achieve optimal health. With our cutting-edge approach and commitment to evidence-based practices, we strive to empower our patients to live their best lives, free from the debilitating effects of hormonal imbalances. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you on your journey to hormonal harmony.

Restore balance. Contact Vitality Hormone Center today.

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